
A minimalist Vue component wrapping Mapbox GL JS or MapLibre GL for dynamic maps.

In the spirit of keeping things light and not reinventing the wheel: this component wraps only what is necessary for dynamic updates. Use the map instance directly otherwise.

v1.0.0^ has been refactored for Vue 3. Use the previous v0.14.11 version for Vue 2 projects.

See the complementary vue-mapbox-feature repo for dynamic geoJSON features.



See the documentation's demo component for a complete example.

Install via yarn or npm:

yarn add @benchmark-urbanism/vue-mapbox-map

General Usage

Import the VueMapboxMap component:

import VueMapboxMap from '@benchmark-urbanism/vue-mapbox-map'

Once imported, the VueMapboxMap tag will be available for use:


A mapbox-gl or maplibre-gl instance must be provided: these should be installed and instanced in accordance with standard procedures. Reactive data can be used to update the lng, lat, zoom, pitch, and bearing dynamically from the data context of the component:

// use reactive data for updating the map
const scene = reactive({
  lng: -73.982,
  lat: 40.768,
  zoom: 13,
  pitch: 20,
  bearing: 0,
// setup mapbox
mapboxgl.accessToken = aToken
onMounted(() => {
  mapInstance = new mapboxgl.Map({
    container: 'map-container',
    style: 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9',
    center: [scene.lng,],
    zoom: scene.zoom,
    pitch: scene.pitch,
    interactive: false,


The component's props / API is as follows:

// a mapbox or maplibre instance
map: {
  type: Object,
  default: () => {},
// whether to jump, ease, or fly for transitions
transitionMode: {
  type: String,
  required: false,
  default: 'jump',
  validator: function (value) {
    return ['jump', 'ease', 'fly'].indexOf(value) !== -1
// longitude (dynamic)
lng: {
  type: [Number, String],
  required: true,
// latitude (dynamic)
lat: {
  type: [Number, String],
  required: true,
// zoom (dynamic)
zoom: {
  type: [Number, String],
  default: 13,
// pitch (dynamic)
pitch: {
  type: [Number, String],
  default: 60,
// bearing (dynamic)
bearing: {
  type: [Number, String],
  default: 0,
// around (dynamic)
around: {
  type: Array,
  default: null,
  validator: function (value) {
    return value.length === 2